Does YT promote the "big" channels too much?

Well that's one of the perks for getting big in the first place. They all started out small at one point and had to spend years to get to where they are. The benefit of all that is to now get promotions from YouTube.
They're a business and want to make money so it makes sense from that perspective. I think they want more big channels though so they do seem to look out for channels with potential. There were a couple of posts on this forum (not sure I can find them now) where people with growing channels were contacted by Youtube to speak with someone who could help them continue to grow.
Well... It's the big channels that bring is the money. There is no reason to waste time and effort into a small channel that wont earn them any money.
True, why they don't even bother small channel? Above is the answer and explained everything ;)
I wouldn't say YouTube stars aren't deserving of the exposure, but YouTube (and the media) could do a better job of showing a larger cross-section of what's going on in video. How many years have we been seeing the same old faces in all the different YouTube promos and such? Things are going to start to look stale and dated when they keep using the same people over and over, and it spreads the wrong message that unless you're one of these chosen few there's no way into the system. Of course the biggest channels from back in the day can't help but get bigger, barring retirement or withdrawing from their accounts, they will likely continue growing. Good for them, but I'd like to see more fresh faces.
It's simple business. Promoting a small or big channel takes the same amount of resources. But promoting a big channel is likely to line your pockets with more money. Would you promote a small channel and have a limited return if you where in charge? No... because you need food on the table. And this is coming from someone that would benefit greatly from YouTube promotion having just passed 500 subscribers and 28k views. I am just a realist.


YouTube does look out for the smaller channels. I had one of my videos be an official cars & coffee video for a little while which made it my most popular video on my channel. "Only" 3.3k views to date for that video, but without that official tag I would not have gotten those. And, if you type in cars & coffee in the search string on YouTube 3 of my videos end up in the first page results.