Does the new channel have to do seo?


A question about the new channel? Do you have to do search engine optimization to be recommended by youtube algorithm?
There are natural traffic channels, also need to continue to search engine optimization? Can we just rely on youtube's algorithm to recommend?
Can we just rely on youtube's algorithm to recommend?
The algorithm relies on your SEO to be able to recommend you! Videos are recommended for their suitability to other videos, so if you don't properly tell Youtube what your video is about, they can't recommend you to anyone. So yes, all channels need SEO, especially new channels.
SEO that you need to focus on are the title, category, description (first two lines) and tags. You can use Google Trends and Tubebuddy to find our which words are more sought for and which tags are less contested.
YES, always!
I used to see what similar videos to mine was using and use that as a start to my videos.
If you need help, check into TubeBuddies.
With TubeBuddies you can see other people's tags, otherwise, you can right click and find them in the source code.
