Does day of the week of upload affect views?


Active Member
I uploaded a video on Saturday recently and I got more views than I usually do. This may just be because of the content, but it got me wondering whether uploading a video on Saturday makes a difference. So, does it help to publish a video when more people are on Youtube? Or will Youtube's algorithm keep it in recommendations for a week or so?
Yes,the initial number of views depends very much on the time when you post it. But to find the right time to post your videos, you must have many uploads posted over different times of the day and the week, else it's very hard to predict when is the best time. That being said, some videos don't depend on what day of the week they are posted or what hour, if they for example are related to a particular event or happening and people search for them.
That will depend on your audience and your content niche. I find Mondays are my best because my niche is low carb recipes and I think people start a "diet" on Mondays and start researching dinner options on Monday. (Speculation.) A kid's toy review channel might find weekday mornings are best during the summer but then that changes to Saturday morning when school starts. There is no "best day" to upload, there is only the "best day" for YOU to upload. It's very niche dependent.

You should look at your audience engagement analytics and find your busiest hour on your busiest day, then upload a few hours before that time. As others have pointed out, you'll need multiple videos posted at different times across different days to determine this for your particular channel.
You want to give your videos their best chance of success, so you have to find out using analytics what the peak viewing day/hours are for your channel. As others here have said, this can vary depending on the type of audience, so do some research and good luck!
Yes, and strategic publish time falls under the category of knowing your demographic. Release at a time where you know there's a high probability to grab the greatest amount of your current audience.

For example, mine is mainly US, male, 18-35.

A good release time will be either after working hours or early on the weekends following Eastern Standard Time. Knowing this, my hottest release dates are Thursdays, 5PM and Sundays, 9AM.
You should experiment with these times yourself. I like to get my videos up early in the morning. As far as the day, the weekends seem to do well for me or later during the week.
I believe no matter the day, you should aim for right after work hours end. People like to chill out right when they get home to let their mind settle.