Does anyone know what Network pays the best?

If you make videos just for money, then you are using YouTube for the wrong reasons, it should be about fun :c

All Im trying to say is, do what you love and If youre good at it, you will eventually make something out of it. Dont make youtube videos for money. :)

Well making videos and earning money at the same time is more fun than just making videos.
All Im trying to say is, do what you love and If youre good at it, you will eventually make something out of it.
But isn't that what's he's trying to do here? Make something out of what he loves doing? It's not going to just happen on it's own. You need to put research and effort behind it.
yes it may not be about the money but why can't we make money for doing it? If someone said I will pay you to play your favourite sport would you accept? And trying to find the best paying network in general is a smart thing to do.

I don't see why there are all these people bashing the thread about "its not about the money" or "its supposed to be for fun". Seriously if you can make money off something you enjoy doing then why not? and even if you don't enjoy why can't you do it for just the money? Think of all those people with jobs who don't enjoy them but do it for the money, quit your whining :L
But if you only do it for money, I think yyou'll just get disappointed right? Unless you have 1 million views a month. That's like earning $2000 every month or more.
But isn't that what's he's trying to do here? Make something out of what he loves doing? It's not going to just happen on it's own. You need to put research and effort behind it.

Thanks for your support and these guys doesnt really understand what Im trying to say xD.
And If i can make more money with a different network why dont I just switch to them if they they
have similar contracts and etc.
There's nothing wrong with asking about money. I think this whole "It's not about the money" , "Forget about the money" has gotten overhand. If someone is providing content that you enjoy then why does it matter the reason they're doing it for? That's just my 2 cents. I know if I had the opportunity to get paid for something I like doing I'd do it as many times as I possibly can.