Does 1080p 60Fps get more views?

just Moto

I Love YTtalk
I think I saw it in a Derrel Eves video... he said that 1080p 60fps videos were more favoured by YouTube therefore get more views? What's your take? While I upload in 60fps, it usually takes twice as long to export.
Not a lot of people has a decent internet to play 1080p videos at 60fps smoothly (without buffering). They only say that Youtube favors 1080p videos because they lower down the freaking bitrate and so if you upload in 1080p with a higher bitrate, it'll only lose a little bit of quality and still has great 720p quality instead of uploading 720p 60fps videos.
This will depend on your commentary quality. If you can speak well, but you don't have HD content, you will lose attention fast. I make videos at 720p, and commentate decently and have pretty high average view duration, but the views will lack unless you enhance them. A good combonation of both commentary and video quality is a good start :)
This will depend on your commentary quality. If you can speak well, but you don't have HD content, you will lose attention fast. I make videos at 720p, and commentate decently and have pretty high average view duration, but the views will lack unless you enhance them. A good combonation of both commentary and video quality is a good start :)
I agree , it doesn't really matter if you're uploading 1080p or 720p. What matters is the quality of your commentary and your video quality. Video Quality ≠ Video Resolution. You can have 1080p video resolution but if the quality is s**t and pixelated, people wouldn't like it.
I think I saw it in a Derrel Eves video... he said that 1080p 60fps videos were more favoured by YouTube therefore get more views? What's your take? While I upload in 60fps, it usually takes twice as long to export.
In my opinion, I dont think this would effect views as people who watch the video can only view the quality when watching the video.
There is no point on going 1080p 60fps if U are gamer f.e. It's really hard to get record stable in that size and quality. Ofc. if U have Intel Extreme 10 core. But with regular PCs, really hard. I stick with 720p 30fps, 'couse of hardware limitation.
I think I saw it in a Derrel Eves video... he said that 1080p 60fps videos were more favoured by YouTube therefore get more views? What's your take? While I upload in 60fps, it usually takes twice as long to export.

More views? Nah at least I don't believe so 720p 60fps is good enough.