It's 50/50 so far for me. Every subreddit has rules and you should follow them. Don't just outright post a video and leave, talk in other posts as well and become a part of the community!
Reddit has been really hit or miss. In general it feels like the Reddit hive mind are only interested in the professional grade channels. In general, they hate self promotion. The nicest communities to post your video (if you haven't' found a sub that fits your niche and will allow you to post). Are Youtube Startups and Unknown Videos.
If you put up sh** content that's not funny for free advertisement, the Reddit Army will find you.
What sub/reddits do you recommend for getting channels and videos promoted. I have had very little success with it. I've heard you should stick with the smaller subreddits, ones - with 1500 - 5000 users. Is that true?? I'm new to the reddit world.
I do use Reddit, I do use the subreddits that are relevant to the videos I´m having, but I am active with comments as well!
Reddit can be used for self-promotion, but they have rules. You have to be part of the community. They demand that only 10% of the posts that you make is self-promotion. If you don't follow those rules, they will hate you and you probably get downvoted or even banned. Also comment on other posts and get involved in the community. I haven't got many experience with Reddit, but that's what they say themeselve.
What sub/reddits do you recommend for getting channels and videos promoted. I have had very little success with it. I've heard you should stick with the smaller subreddits, ones - with 1500 - 5000 users. Is that true?? I'm new to the reddit world.

That's not true at all. I've had success in subreddits with a million or more users. But you gotta make at least good quality content, a catchy title and thumbnail. I've not yet be able to get the massive explosion like 7000+ views that I know is possible, but I've hit 1000+. My best recommendation is to get Tubebuddy, use the stats tabs and look at top people in your niche who posts on reddit. Then find what subreddits they use and really study what they're doing.
I have an account, but I've really just lurked around subreddits. Being a part of subreddit communities sounds pretty appealing, but I'm not super good at keeping up with all of the internet accounts I have. I imagine it'd still work really well if you're an active member and not just a self-promoter. I'd imagine it just takes time.
Do your research and find the sub-reddits that are right for you and join the community. Once you have gotten used to reddit and different rules of subreddits, then I would venture out and go to other subreddits that are relevenat to a single video you might of made, as long as you keep to thier rules and you arnt totally shameless. I made a montage of insanity video and a polo propaganda new report, so they eased into drug forums quite nicely, while my music video was welcomed in both comedy and music subreddits that allowed self promotion. Good luck!