Do Not Make Anything That You Cannot Make!

You've got a point there that it seems several unexperienced youtubers are missing. Surely, push yourself but don't try to create videos that you can't do well enough for them to be good. A sturdy shack is better than a collapsing tower.

Here we have a prime example on how not to upload something that you can't do quite well enough for the world to see. The following clip was so bad that it got popular on Reddit's sub-page for cringeworthy videos.

Not hatin' on the guy, but it could get the point across: Don't try hard for things to you can't achieve. Adjust your content to your skills. Be sceptic to yourself, challenge yourself and improve yourself.
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Hmmm Yes and no, to your overall advice.
I'll give you an example, I did a pokemon video about a year ago
I did that one in a few hours, I edited it in one night. Was it the best video? Far from it, could it been much better? Absolutely! If I had planned, casted, spent more time one visual effects, raised so money to shoot on a better camera, lighting equipment etc.
However in that one video, I furthered my knowledge in 3D rigging, animation and rendering. It was an experiment and the result was a little short film. Now I did spend some time on it so why let that time go to waste? I should at least uploaded it, share it with friends and the rest of the internet for feedback so I can continue to grow. It's little projects like that one that has helped further my skill set and lead to bigger and better projects.
Your right you should always strive for quality and if you have the time, people power and money then you should go for it.
But far too often I see (especially with people just starting out) seeing those things as an obstacle from actually starting and finishing something. I can't shoot this because I don't have X or Y. Or "I can't shoot this because I need funding" and you know what I see alot of those people still stuck in that spot.
I don't care if you only have a mobile phone and a friend to make a movie. You shouldn't let that stop you from just making something and putting it out to the world. I have made alot of cringe worthy material in my time but its always been a learning experience and helped me develop my craft further.
I agree that you should always try use the best people/equipment/knowledge that you have available, and to aim for something higher.
But don't let the limit of those things from stopping you from just making a start.
Okay the best way to make content that you won't be embarrassed of in the future is to NOT MAKE ANYTHING THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE! I'm saying if you wanted to make a live action Pokemon fan film/parody you NEED to have a cast, costumes, possibly effects or animation, and probably an HD CAMERA! For example if you wanted to play Ash Ketchum in your Pokemon fan film you're going to actually need an Ash Ketchum hat, not some random red hat or Red Sox hat. And it can't be a Pokemon short film/parody without Pokemon so you're going to need 3D animation program like Maya or Cinema4D to model and animate the Pokemon into your video. Or you can use costumes. Make sure the costumes are good like in Smosh's "Pokemon In Real Life". I see so many crappy Pokemon short films and parodies on YouTube almost every week! I've only seen maybe 5-7 actual good ones. Like "Pokemon Apokelypse" which is a VERY good example of a good Pokemon fan film. And if it's a "fan film" you're gonna want people to actually like it because the only people you're actually going to attract to your fan film are fans of the thing you're basing your fan film on or parody. And you're gonna NEED an HD camera because it won't be very enjoyable without HD. But you're really gonna wanna make it good AND have fun when making it or else there's really no point in the project being made! But what I'm saying here is that if you don't have the right cast, costumes, programs, props, camera, production value than I'd suggest you don't make the video until you get the right requirements. But I give props to you for at least trying! (And note: I made an extremely crappy Pokemon parody back in 2011 and erased it because it embarrassed me so much)

So cleary this means "do nothing".
You should do what ever you like and what makes fun.

If every youtuber wait until they have a amount of equipment and a crew and people who doing special effects,youtube would have zero videos.
And why should someone be embarressed if they watch there old videos?
I like to see my history,what i have done so far and what i have learned.
Nobody is a pro from beginning.