Do I have to have commentary on my videos to get into Socialblade?

I have seen channel like mine (that upload raw clips) that are partnered with socialblade but when i applied they didnt accept me for that reason...
No commentary on the games essentially open you up to copyright action. You're using someone else's material in a way that is not protected by Fair use. You can do it, but it is at your own risk.. Personally , for me - I don't find it entertaining with out commentary! That's just me though ;)
So how are people like xcodshots, malachick and myself getting a partnership?
Actually, changed the original phrasing of the previous post before posting... should have kept it as it was. Edited now for clarity in relation to original post.

I did find videos on each channel referenced that had commentary, but of course there are exceptions for any number reasons...

Different review processes/criteria. (they only saw 2 or 3 with commentary, their rules are more lax, etc)
Joining a Gaming network that has agreements that expand usage. (Machinima in 2 of your examples)
Games/Gaming companies that have an open usage policy.

Overall, it's a very tricky niche to navigate and we suggest commentary on all videos unless your going with someone that specializes and they can advise otherwise. (Machinima, etc)

Hope that helps! :)
Could i upload an edit with no commentary such as something like this? watch?v=D5PXzgnRJzI
or do i have to upload like this? watch?v=OQhV0uGBVhE it ruins the mood so much i hate adding commmentary to edits but im afraid to not add comm because i am currently partnered with RPM and do not want to ruin it.
Please reply ASAP thanks.
Could i upload an edit with no commentary such as something like this? watch?v=D5PXzgnRJzI
or do i have to upload like this? watch?v=OQhV0uGBVhE it ruins the mood so much i hate adding commmentary to edits but im afraid to not add comm because i am currently partnered with RPM and do not want to ruin it.
Please reply ASAP thanks.
Send me a youtube PM
If I do, then I need to delete almost every single video off my channel :(
No you dont need to have commentary on your videos. I saw people that aren't doing commentaries and they are getting partnered. :) But if you are a gamer then you will need commentaries...