Do ads pay on videos that aren't monetized?

Zach Werre

Well-Known Member
Just a question I've had for awhile, will ads appear on non monetized videos? For example, if I have a channel that isn't a part of the Partnership program or a part of a network and I upload a public video, can ads still appear or will ads only appear after I have applied for a partnership and enabled monetization on the video?
Just a question I've had for awhile, will ads appear on non monetized videos? For example, if I have a channel that isn't a part of the Partnership program or a part of a network and I upload a public video, can ads still appear or will ads only appear after I have applied for a partnership and enabled monetization on the video?
If you use third-party copyright media in your videos, ads may appear on such videos; and all the money those ads generate will go to the copyright owner, not you.

If you are producing totally original media, or use properly licensed Royalty-Free assets in your videos, ads won't appear until and unless you apply to and are accepted as a member of the YouTube Partner Program.

Ads can and will appear in the right sidebar along with suggested videos similar to your own. The money from these goes straight to Google's bank; and no user sees any of that.