Did Youtube Change The Search Algorithm?

Again, not a bug. The search results "dance" all the time. Nothing buggy about it :)
Not to mention, that the search results that you see, from your own computer, logged into your own YouTube channel, can easily vary from what everyone else sees :)
True. But I have never seen them "dance" out of the results completly. And i have searched it on my phone and computer logged out and they were similar results. I am aware of this though. There are also programs that will search for you on their computers to get better results.
True. But I have never seen them "dance" out of the results completly.

Happens all the time. Heck, on Google, my site can easily swing between being in top 20 for some search terms, to top 500 in some search terms, from day to day. It just happens sometimes. Same thing on Bing, and Yahoo, and any capable search engine really. It's the natural result of that many factors playing in on ranking.