Did u know if u get less than 5% of views from ur subs your next vid will get more less views?

Thats not even what i saying
It will punish your sec vid after it.

My subscriber views have been under 5% (not bragging, that is terrible) for hundreds of videos in a row now, so if each next new video was punished after not meeting the 5% threshold, I wouldn't be getting any views on newer videos

Edit - I am not trying to be argumentative, I always love when people take the time to post tips and try to help others.
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I've read about this before as well. He's getting it from this site, or from one that copied from it: Reverse Engineering the YouTube Algorithm. Searching that on Google should show it as the top result.
Everyone starts with 0 subscribers..How would anyone grow using that theory?

Everyone's first video would be their most successful and just go down hill from there.
I've read about this before as well. He's getting it from this site, or from one that copied from it: Reverse Engineering the YouTube Algorithm. Searching that on Google should show it as the top result.
Thank you..
So, it's a THEORY, albeit with some good data..
Problem is, it's almost a year old, and who knows that variables/knobs/dials Youtube has changed since then.
I find it hard to believe as well, you *might* be on to something but I do not think is how you describe it.
And NEVER user "experience" as a counter argument because it just makes you come off as a d**k.Use factual data and examples with proven numbers or just don't even bother.
I find it hard to believe as well, you *might* be on to something but I do not think is how you describe it.
And NEVER user "experience" as a counter argument because it just makes you come off as a d**k.Use factual data and examples with proven numbers or just don't even bother.

i agree