Denied quick

Your views are gone mate you don't even have 1,000...
yeah that happend a long time ago. I made my youtube account back in 07 and made a couple retarded videos on xbox. Then never really checked my youtube and those videos got around somehow and got up their in views. But last year or 2011 I logged back in and my views reset cause I monetized a video or did some program youtube asked me and then my videos got removed cause I didn't meet requirements. So here I am now active haha years later....
? You`ve got 962 for me..
yeah that happend a long time ago. I made my youtube account back in 07 and made a couple retarded videos on xbox. Then never really checked my youtube and those videos got around somehow and got up their in views. But last year or 2011 I logged back in and my views reset cause I monetized a video or did some program youtube asked me and then my videos got removed cause I didn't meet requirements. So here I am now active haha years later....
Yeaahhh I know I just didn't know their exact requirements like I knew I wasn't but they denied me quick as hell haha.
Fullscreen accepts based on current views. Not views you once had but dont anymore...
Very true!
Also when youtube removes a video from your account for any reason it does strike your account.
Make sure you are falling copyright regulations strictly because no matter how many views you get or how many subs, if you have copyright violations no one will partner you...