The 9/27 revenue data came in, took a huge hit on all of the flagged videos for that day. But, the good news is that I'm seeing pre-rolls and banners and all types of ads running on the supposedly non-advertiser friendly videos again, so hopefully this was just a one-day occurrence that is now over with.

Figures it had to happen near a quarter end, but I'm hoping this means it won't happen again on the videos that have been manually reviewed.
Basically I had this problem since yesterday and it looks like we have to accept these changes now (sadly). Youtube made this BOT that will allow go to people channels and detect if your using inappropriate words such as "s**t" " and it is not just that, we can't even record games such as gta v, call of duty and other violet games, yes you guys might say there is a review button where youtube can review your videos and see if there is anything wrong, but they only review it if your videos are like 1k or over, but with my views gets up to 100 views or 300 views. And some of my videos I made such as "half life" walktrhough with no commentary that video got demonetized, even some children channel are demonetized.

So what do you guys think about this?
After watching my favorite YouTubers for the past weeks, hearing about their demonetization of their contents, and a few quitting because of that. Sort of not believing it. I got hit with the same treatment, what a surprise. More than 10+ of my videos has been ad-denied, and so many more will be.

My inspiration came from these creators, to start a youtube to begin with! It's the only content that I enjoy making.
I'm either thinking, quit or just say f*** it and continue, but change it up.
Any advise?
Sorry to hear that but to be honest there isnt anything you can do. Someone called OwnagePranks is being denied for no reason at all. Apparently it is his thumbnails, but they are as harmless as could be. He literally had to make two videos on the topic. Youtube is literally killing themselves from the inside. Although this gives way to new creators it isnt good to lose the ones that were making youtube the most money. Eventually they will realize what they have done, but as is most movies it is too late. The damage has been done and they will continue to hurt them and the people that help them profit. Unless someone like pewdiepie does something it won't stop. The thing is pewdiepie is so far ahead of everyone in subscribers that only him telling youtube would really be noticed, until then we just have to hope that youtube realized what they have done and soon.
Well, in the end, I think it just depends on what you're willing to put up with. Do you think it's worth making content when it can easily be falsely demonetized? I'd understand this being a big question for those who mainly make revenue from YouTube.

I don't agree with this practice, but it's honestly not the first time they made an odd decision and never addressed people's concerns. Like all the other changes before this one, it's just something I have to learn to live with to keep doing what I love, ya'know? Of course, that doesn't make any of this okay, but between the choice of staying or leaving, I'd honestly rather stay. They'd have to go a whole lot farther than this to really make me consider quitting.

I wouldn't recommend changing your content as a result of this whole demonetization thing, though. The bot seems to demonetize just about anything. It's happened to me a few times so far, and I make content that's pretty suitable for all ages.
I know that if I am hit I will probably quit myself. I have come to rely on the YouTube ad revenue to offset some of the costs of new equipment and software. Without it? Even though it is fun, I won't be able to justify it anymore.
It is still happening and it looks like we have to accept this change however guys I did contacted youtube and sent them a email but they haven't got back to me so I contacted BBTV network that i am already in and ask them what is happening exactly and they told me this.


So what does this mean? is it good or bad?
I recently had my first video that was rejected for monetization. It's a video of a guy eating a cooked frog dish from the Philippines. So I re-checked the guidelines for Ad-friendly videos and the only reasons there that could be applied to ours was the swear words (which I censored out by the way) and probably the tags ('man eats frog' could be considered animal cruelty?).

So my question, does bleeping out swear words still cause demonetization or should I just remove the tags and file for an appeal?

P.S. Could the reason also be the thumbnail? It says "Boy Eats Frog!"