Same thing happened to me on a recent video. I asked for a manual review and it upheld the decision.

The only thing I can think caused this is that I referred to metal work measuring equipment by brand name, and YT are probably scared that this will clash with similar equipment advertisers.

So I had had advertising limited on that video, but I checked and it's still getting ads, so probably only those not related to the video content.
Had this happen to me 4 times in the last couple of weeks. 3 got manually approved, and one got left as limited ads even though I received an email to say it was manually approved?! weird.
After we asked for a manual review of our eclipse video, we got an email saying that they had upheld their review. However, it is now showing the green monetized symbol, and it doesn't come up when I filter by "limited or no ads" filter! This is just insanely inconsistent.
Yeah I don't understand this totally either, both of my videos in question have switched back and forth between green and yellow multiple times now. One is green and the other is yellow atm. The yellow one has gone from green to yellow to green to back to yellow in just a day. Everytime it goes back to yellow it says the review is pending again. It was definitely green for a while because I refreshed multiple times to make sure.
Yeah same here. It was yellow, I appealed and it went green, then it went back to yellow with the appeal upheld message, and this morning it's back to green with no message like nothing ever happened ;)

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They are probably getting inundated with requests for manual reviews...wonder if they're hiring? :)
Our 2nd channel eclipse video just got the "not suitable for all advertisers". Nothing remotely controversial in it, nothing copywritten. I have no idea why this would happen to this video, it seems purely random.

My wife's idea is that it has something to do with YouTube's captioning system. She thinks maybe one of the words got misunderstood as a controversial word and that automatically flagged it. But I don't know if that's true, just a theory. I mentioned a bottle of iced tea and the captioning put "Ice-T", the controversial rapper. I wonder if that's it? There's really nothing in the video even remotely offensive.

This sounds like very scary situation.
I heard that this is being done by bots/AI which mark the video as not suitable based on certain parameters. They are pretty bad at it, as many of us are noticing. Luckily, I don't have ads at all so no worries for me.
In a way, one mistaken video out of nearly 1,000 isn't bad for an automated system. On the other hand, I missed 2 days of revenue for that video and I'm not getting it back. What if that happened to a 48 hour viral video?

Also, some channel genres such as fitness are getting much worse than 1 in a thousand videos unfairly flagged.
It's Youtube's way of simply being on the ultra cautious side in order to appease and try and rebuild their working relationship with advertisers. hopefully eventually things will get better but I've had maybe 20 plus videos flagged with some of them being successfully appealed. a few others, I didn't even bother b/c I knew they would not deem it advertiser friendly, even though my material if very tame.

best thing to do is simply keep uploading but be a little more cautious.