
I like it. It's expressive and to the point without being like "hey look at what I can do with photoshop!" Plus, I can actually tell what your channel is about by the banner... unlike mine lol.
I like it! I like animated characters in banners. My channel also has an animated character in the banner and thumbnails.
Great channel art IMO - does exactly what it's supposed to. I've heard a lot of experts recommend never to use white backdrops in channel art, because obviously it blends into the BG. Honestly I think it works for your channel, though, because it has that ultra casual sketch/comic book feel.

The tagline was a bit confusing to me at first, just because 'reddit' is first out the gate and that could kind of mean anything. I like 'commentary, cringe' because I know right away what those things mean. In fact, I feel like you could leave off the other two but maybe that's just me.
For a minimalist approach, it's very well done. I kinda don't like how your shirt says I wanna die. Kind of something an edgy 14 year old would do.