Dashboard and Fullscreen, etc...


Active Member
What's this dashboard and fullscreen stuff that I keep hearing. All I know is that I tried to get my adsense approved but they rejected it. If it got approved, would i get this dashboard and fullscreen stuff that people are talking about? Also, once my adsense gets approved on youtube, will I make money of my channel?
I didn't have adsense enabled on my retro gaming channel and I joined Fullscreen Arcade. Was your adsense disabled?
Fullscreen is a company which enables you to have a partner banner on your YouTube channel. However you have to apply because you don't get it automatically. You can only make money on YouTube if you monetize your videos and there are certain terms and conditions that you have to abide by to get your video monetized.
I have all my videos monetized I just havent gotten approved for adsense yet.
That makes no sense at all man...you have adsense if your videos are monetized. In fact there isn't a review period it just automatically gives you adsense if you want it from what I remember. They review your videos sometimes if you enable ads on a video but if you have the option to enable ads already that means you have it.
plz, iam fullscreen partner, the question is fullscreen will enable automatic adsens or i need to activate my self??? plz answer me!
That makes no sense at all man...you have adsense if your videos are monetized. In fact there isn't a review period it just automatically gives you adsense if you want it from what I remember. They review your videos sometimes if you enable ads on a video but if you have the option to enable ads already that means you have it.

When I got to video manager I checked off that I want all my videos monetized but I'm not making any money off of them because I don't have adsense.
plz, iam fullscreen partner, the question is fullscreen will enable automatic adsens or i need to activate my self??? plz answer me!
When you become partner it's all automatic. All you have to do is click on a link then send you in a e-mail.
When I got to video manager I checked off that I want all my videos monetized but I'm not making any money off of them because I don't have adsense.
Still not making sense to me. Does your video manager looks like this next to the stats? 63c4c6fcb82a5ae46380c288e35274ab.png Does it have the money symbol?
you mean email from youtube for change my chanel to partner? if yes i do and iam partner, i have new botton next video but not with symbol of dollar $, but icon is © , is it correct i active it and it's became green, so iam correct, but i don't have option "avatar" ??
you mean email from youtube for change my chanel to partner? if yes i do and iam partner, i have new botton next video but not with symbol of dollar $, but icon is © , is it correct i active it and it's became green, so iam correct, but i don't have option "avatar" ??
Right I was asking the other guy. You're a partner then if you see the claim button instead of the dollar symbol.