Daily Uploads

Upload to time schedule or quality schedule?

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How do you schedule your uploads, and ensure you stick with your routine?
I upload at least once per day, every day, for almost two months, now, and am not seeing as much growth as I'd expect or like, but feel compelled to keep this going at least until the end of the year, so I'll give updates if you're interested.
So to elaborate on my answer in the poll:
Upload to time schedule or quality schedule?
Time. Quality is very important, as it will dictate how often you can upload, but after you set a schedule it is important to stick to it. If you're an animation channel and can only upload 1 or 2 times a month, that's fine, but stick to it. If you are a comedy sketch channel and you can upload once a week, do it and do it consistently.

I believe the difference between uploading 3 times a week and uploading daily isn't all that big (except if you advertise yourself as a daily vlogger and people expect daily uploads. You need to meet your audience's expectations). I'm a travel vlogger and can upload once a week. I tried uploading twice a week for about a month and saw a clear increase in watch time, but my schedule just doesn't allow me to keep uploading twice a week.
When your channel is new uploading daily without the right social media promotion and subscriber base does not make too much of a difference.

Quality of Quantity is something to consider here.
I only upload 2-4 times a week depending on how much free time I can accumulate throughout the busy week. That way it ensures I'm spending the right amount of time to keep the quality of my videos there.
Afterwards I promote these both on Facebook and Twitter. Other sites help as well if done correctly.

When you don't have time to upload for the next week I recommend "Scheduling" so you stick to the same days your fans expect you to upload on.
Upon uploading if you look to the right of your videos it'll give you an option to "schedule" under the settings of "private," "public" or "unlisted" and you'll be able to pick a day, time and timezone to release the video on.

Hope that helps.
i started only like a month ago, not even i think, i just checked the time i would have to make the videos and adjusted according to that, i know i will be able to release a video at least 1 time a week and that gives me time to work on the video on the other little pieces of time i can find throughout the week, i say quality because you can release like a video everyday but if you didn't have time to review it and really work on it the quality will probably decrease since you are working against the clock, to release the video that day. i think the time only applies to those who already have a big fan base to keep it fresh and keep people interested in the channel, plus they can probably record in one week prior and release it the next week keeping a clean time frame between videos.
Event though i'm a recent addition to the youtube community, I've uploaded every Tuesday and Thursday. This usually gives me two days before each video to record and edit, as well as have Friday and Saturday off. I think if I were to add another day to my schedule, it would lower the quality. Like with and good hobby or job, a break from it every now and then is definitely needed. Thus my two days off. As for quality, I can usually shoot a video in one day and that leaves me the whole second day to edit. Some projects take a bit longer, for example I will be doing a day in the life of me. That obviously takes a whole day to record, then I have to process it, edit it, render the video, photoshop a thumbnail AND upload it. It doesn't sound like too much to do in one day but if you add that into me being a soldier and doing stuff 24/7 I really barely have time. So I would choose Time, but a wide enough schedule to put quality into it as well.