Cussing in videos?


I've Got It
When making a video do you cuss or not? On this channel we don't cuss due to it allowing any age of people watching our content. How do you feel about this topic?
For me I suppose it depends on the audience you're trying to engage and then the type of video.

I grew up with the Angry Video Game Nerd whom James Rolfe plays and potrays. It's his character. And this character curses a lot. Then back in the old days of Youtube till now his cursing went from extreme to quite mild as he got older. But I suppose his audience is also more of 18-45 year old males. So that's alright.

If cursing is used to add emphasis on something and does not hinder your audience and fits your channel then to me it's perfectly fine. =]
Example: You playing a horror game and yell the word f**k when running away from something. If your audience is between 18-35 for the most part then I think it's alright since you're not trying to appeal to young kids and mothers. But that's just my opinion.
Not the type of channel but if i was i'd be cussing because thats what i do in casual conversations with friends. To me personally cussing makes comedy 10x better don't care if its a guy or girl cussing its just funnier to me in general.
So I cuss a lot in my videos. It's all mostly on purpose, and it really sucks because in the future, because of this, Youtube may cut my ads (if i were ever to be monetized). I fully accept that though. It's unfortunate, but whatever. I'll do whatever I like, ya know?
My friends and I decided that we will be making a future section on our channel with our videos edited to be family friendly such as cutting out cuss words or suggestive content with a voice over via Imovie or even just the classic bleep sounds, while still keeping our original video uploads non family friendly to appeal to both audiences since both want a reaction just from different sources :)
*cracks knuckles* Do I cuss? :xd:\

Definitely yes, like someone mentioned before Comedy with cussing is just funnier to me. And considering I have a Comedy channel it's also the humor I tend to go towards.

But I can also agree sometimes cussing a bit too much can be a bit annoying. Some of my videos I'd definitely say I fall in that category as well. My most recent video is definitely one of those, but I gave it a pass because I was acting like a "Gangster" character sooo I guess it fit the character(?) lol.

I definitely know with my sense of humor and amount of swearing I'll never be a YouTube "Golden Child" if my channel ever takes off, but it's just something I have to sacrifice in order to stay true to myself and my style of video.

But when I see how young some of my viewers are is when it really becomes apparent to me how much I curse...Sorry Parents
I try not to but I always end up doing so and going with it, tough to not do. But try to stay away from the f bomb though.[DOUBLEPOST=1495949538,1495949500][/DOUBLEPOST]I try not to but I always end up doing so and going with it, tough to not do. But try to stay away from the f bomb though.
I don't swear just for the sake of swearing but where I'm from, it's just part of the vernacular. It just slips into regular conversation most of the time and so this is reflected in my videos. I guess because when I make my stuff it's just me, unscripted with no change to my personality.
Sometimes. If there is a lot, especially if I'm drunk with friends then I leave a warning message before the video begins.
If it's the odd one or two then I bleep them out in production.
Other times in my comic con videos we are all 100% clean, no swearing, curse words ect.