Other Cross-channel promote between our two channels


Loving YTtalk
I want to do a cross-channel promotion where we do two videos together one for each of our channels I'm thinking one can be trivia where we answer a bunch of questions about a given topic I'm thinking about politics or some movie franchise and the other video can be a Q&A or maybe more of an interview Style video
I would like to do it with ya! Haha. I like your channel btw.
All right all we need to do now is is pick a day and decide which video for which channel which video of do I mentioned would you like to do for your Channel and you like my channel thank you I just tried to go see your channel and it says your channel does not exist but thank you for responding this will be fun
All right all we need to do now is is pick a day and decide which video for which channel which video of do I mentioned would you like to do for your Channel and you like my channel thank you I just tried to go see your channel and it says your channel does not exist but thank you for responding this will be fun
This is the link for my channel. :
(take out spaces)

https ://www. youtube .com /channel/ UC0IzL7N_GgSr-2WljttmqXA