Copyrighted music and videos for private viewing.


New Member
I've read all the stuff about the need to pay someone if you use copyrighted music in your own videos,and the consequences if you don't.Am I right in thinking these only apply if you intend to monetize the video?

I will be making a travel video (or videos) this year and have some specific commercially available music tracks that have to be the original versions that I want to use for a soundtrack to them.If I don't show the finished video(s) on the public part of Youtube (or Facebook etc) and make them only visible to friends I send the link to,will I still get into trouble for using copyrighted material in my own work? So there will be zero desire to make money from them,just a video record of my travels with appropriate music to accompany them?
These days, most people don't really get into 'trouble' for using copyrighted music on Youtube videos. Artists and publishers use automated detection options to find their music used and simply run ads on your video to monetize it themselves. You will get a copyright notice on your video, but it's typically harmless.

The only issues with some labels/publishers are the following:

1: Depending on the song/artist, sometimes your video will not be available on mobile platforms, so only people on a PC can view it.
2: Now this one could have changed by now, as last I heard, there were supposed to be improvements- But, sometimes music can not be played in certain countries (like Germany) due to GEMA.

If there are either of these issues, they are typically listed in the copyright notices section in your video manager library. As long as you're okay with this, then you will be fine.

I've done a few Montages with copyrighted music and never had an issue. That is not to say that it can't happen- but these days, very rarely.
Thanks for the reply Balthazaar. So the worst thing that can happen is for them (Youtube) to mute the audio on my video(s),irrespective of whether it's shown in public for all to see or in private for invitees to see?
They won't mute it. At least I haven't seen muted audio yet. The 'worst' to happen is they just monetize your video and take the ad revenue, or they disable viewing in some parts of the world. (Like Germany due to GEMA). Yes, even if it's a private video. The auto-detection bots will find your video as soon as it's uploaded (while it's still in draft mode).

So if you have no plans to monetize it yourself, you have nothing to worry about.
Thank you again Balthazaar. I have seen a couple of videos on Youtube that have had the sound completely muted,but I think these originated in America.I'll give it a go and will see what happens.