

I've Got It
how do people get away with the copyright rules on youtube?
for example i searched the top viewed videos on youtube and 1 video come up with the top 20 videos etc. but it had ads on it, surely that would incorporate the copyright law from those 20 other videos??
It goes like this.

Once you upload a video, lets say you have a copy written song in it. It will be flagged and checked by youtube's automatic system. If the system decides that you have indeed infringed upon a copyright law you can no longer generate revenue from it, HOWEVER the ads will stay play. The money generated from the ads goes to the original creator of the copyright.

And that's how it works.
Either the video gets monetized by the creators when content id is matched, there is no content id matches from the source videos (can happen if you're solo/not part of mcn), or the compilation makers changed bitrate/flipped it and other tricks to try to fool content id and haven't been caught (but will receive a nice shiny DMCA once its found).