Copyright Question! Use of a character image


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Hey everyone! So I run a gaming channel--largely CoD-- and Advanced Warfare recently released a playlist that lends itself QUITE well to one of my favorite Marvel superheroes.

I had the idea of doing a live gameplay in the costume of said hero, and was wondering if there might be some copyright issue here, or if it likely falls under Fair Use.

Thank you so much!!
If the character actually pertains to the video presentation, and the video presentation properly can be attributed to editorial, news, education then yes. The general application for most fair use cases can be summarized as "I need to use this copyrighted content, to talk about this copyrighted content".

If you just want to wear a costume, then it is unlikely. Look up AngryJoeShow for examples of the costume thing done really well under a fair use context.
See CriousGamers (Chilled Chaos) wearing a Mario Hat in all his videos for no reason other than he wants to. Companies do have the legal right to stop you, but it seems none use it.
Hmm.. okay, thanks guys!! Some good stuff to think about. I'll have to do a little more research.