
Christine JB

I've Got It
My current laptop that I edit on has recently been on the old side. I can no longer edit on this computer now because when I edit on it, it takes two hours to render out a 7 minute video and every time the audio is off even when it isn't in the editor. So I need to buy a new computer soon and I was wondering if it's worth it to save up for a 13 inch Macbook Pro or if I should just buy a $200-400 dollar laptop from Walmart.
Uhmmm Hmm well what kinda editing do you want to do.. you should look at the requirments of the editing software you want to get.. most of the good software are going to require a bit more ram and storage then you will find on the 200 - 400 dollar computers at walmart.
Unless you are super used to using Mac programs don't even bother with anything Apple, it'll be way more expensive than your needs.
Get a decent non-Apple laptop, it'll be a lot better for the same price.
Don't buy apple if you're on a budget. Way overpriced and you can find better stuff for cheaper. Are you dead set on a laptop or would you consider a desktop
Unless you are super used to using Mac programs don't even bother with anything Apple, it'll be way more expensive than your needs.
Get a decent non-Apple laptop, it'll be a lot better for the same price.
I agree with this.. For a long while I had a 14 inch compaq laptop it had about 8 gig ram
pentium processor wasnt really good think it was a duel and about 5oo gig hard drive space it worked well for my needs. Check this out I got it from the pawn shop for like $200 Did everything i needed it to do then 3 years later the hard drive goes out... I figure I should save and get the best I could get so I got a 19 inch MSI gaming Laptop with 32 gig ram i7 processor with 4 gig graphics card yea it was expensive but its something thats upgradable and will last a long time. I would suggest anything but a apple all your doing is paying for a name...
I would need it to be portable for when I travel
consider a mid range non apple notebook then.
$500-$600 could get u something that would be decent for rendering and editing.
with apple products u pay a premium for style which doesnt add to performance.
try to get something with no less than 8gb of ram. i5 or i7 and at the very least 500 gb hdd. things like a super crazy graphics card or full hd screen, or even blu-ray disc drive wont help u much unless ur into gaming or looking for pro editing capabilities.
Good luck and let us know what u decide on kk. ;)
Don't really think there's a point in buying mac. You can get better pc/laptop for the same price or even cheaper. And theres hackintosh, so yeah, would better get regular pc/laptop.