Common issues that keep you under 1,000 subscribers

Guess I have to change my strategy, I started out totally opososed as the hints, guess thats the problem with most of us new persons to youtubing!
I have a question on youtube "suggested videos". I have posted 75 videos and have 100,000 views. however one of my videos has 50,000 of the views, 4 others have 5,000 each and the remaining 70 videos have about 425 views each on average. the video with 50,000 views are getting most of the views about "1,000 a day" from suggested videos according to the analytics. when I go to the video it lists, I see my video in the "up next" section. If I could only make this happen with my other 70 videos, I'd have 4 million views and not 100,000....questions: how did that particular video get caught up in the suggested's been like this for the last 30 days or so, sometimes gathering as much as 5,000 views in a day. do I get my other videos to also become suggested videos. thanks
Great thread, awesome advice and tips ☺ just lost my first sub today.. I thought it wouldn't bother me but it cuts deep haha! But I realise it happens to almost everyone.. Will be using the tips learned here!
Reaching 1000 subscribers nowadays is totally hard and based on luck. No matter what niche you apply for, there are another 100 channels doing it.
I think you missed the biggest one. Consistency. I don't care what you do, unless your content is phenomenal, uploading once in a while will NOT work. There are channels that violate all the the 3 rules you mentioned but win on consistency. I know one with million view videos that is very much hated by a lot of people but he makes enough money to live of his channel. The two core elements to channel growth are consistency and great content. If you could create great content every day, I'm betting you will pass that 1000 sub mark very quick. I stress...GREAT content.

Hey YTTalkers! I recently heard a small YouTube creator complaining about how YouTube needs to update their algorithm to favor small YouTubers and not just "the big guys." Other small creators chimed in and readily agreed, but I honestly have a different perspective on why small creators stay small and it has nothing to do with YouTube's algorithm.

1. Poor branding.
This goes far beyond a simple forum post, but think much broader than logos, header images, and branded bumpers. Essentially it's answering the questions, "Who specifically is this content for?" and, "Why should that person care?" Why does your channel matter? What difference does it make in that person's life? What's their motivation for wanting to subscribe to your channel in the first place? How easily does your channel answer those subconscious questions for them? How well is that "branding" integrated into your content and channel?

2. Poor titles and thumbnails.
It doesn't matter how awesome your content is if the thumbnails and titles aren't engaging, enticing, and attract people to click. That doesn't mean you should be misleading and tease a story that really isn't in the video -- that will backfire every time -- but it means knowing what the true value of your video is for someone and then crafting a "billboard" for it (title and thumbnail) that accurately pitches its value.

3. Craft better videos.
And I don't mean just in terms of production value -- I mean in terms of actual content value. Most creators assume that their videos are awesome and that the only problem they have is exposure. The problem with that way of thinking is that it locks you into a mindset that doesn't change with YouTube and causes you to start blaming other things that you don't control. It's pretty self-defeating. If you've been creating videos for even 6 months, go back and look at some of your first videos. You thought they were awesome back then. Today you're probably embarrassed by them. And next year you'll look back on the videos you're creating right now and feel the same way. So use tools like "audience retention" in YouTube analytics to craft better videos. Drop the stuff that causes audience drop-off (like branded intros, for example) and learn to start the videos with better hooks, eliminate wasted time, stuff like that.
[DOUBLEPOST=1456685496,1456684739][/DOUBLEPOST]While that CAN be true because YouTube is so flaky, I've taken 5+ channels past 1000 subs no problem. I have a 6th channel I just started and my graphs are all going up sharply. Even at less than 300 subs I have videos with 5000 views and I'm ranking in search. The reason why many people can't get past 1000 is very clear to me. For example, I'm only PART TIMER and I spoke to a full timer and had TONS of tips for him of stuff he did not know. This is not strange either. That is normal. A YouTuber doing it full time and has no clue about so much of how YouTube works. YouTube is now a business thing. We are WELL past the cat videos stage, so you need to treat it like any business. Actually, don't do that. That is why most business fail. Most businesses do the same thing. They have this "cool idea", THEY wanna do and they just do it. No market research. No needs analysis. No picking up a ton of business books to actually learn how business works. No researching things like your competition and the history of the market you want to get into. Just, hey I want to start my own T-Shirt shop so I'm just gonna do it.

Then to make it worst you have TONS of people doing all kinds of things so clearly by odds some will end up doing something that works for them and not because they actually knew it would work either. Then they will go around and try to tell you what you should do when they don't really know how they made it. Nobody wants to admit luck. You can try luck OR you can take YouTube seriously and become a YouTube expert. Learn it inside and out and do a LOT of analysis in what works and what does not. If you don't even know who GradeAUnderA is or PewDiePie or about the React wars...then there is your answer why you can't past 1000. KNOW your business! KNOW MORE than your competition or don't expect to go anywhere unless you are lucky.

Take YouTube seriously and maybe, just maybe you might get serious results like Tim has.

Reaching 1000 subscribers nowadays is totally hard and based on luck. No matter what niche you apply for, there are another 100 channels doing it.