Commentary tips

I can feel you because I'm facing the same problem. I thing that i sometimes do is preparing something to talk about, but that works only for the first minutes then the rest is simply improv (and I'ts not that good yet). Yeah the only thing is getting comfortable with your speech, for example I still cringe when I listen to myself even if other people say that my video is good. I just don't stand the sound of my voice yet xD. Anyway it's all a matter of confidence and practice!
Just do videos, it will get better with time. If you make a mistake just leave it in, it might add some comical value to the video and seeing people finding your mistake funny might even give you more confidence in yourself.
What I've found upon watching my own videos is that it's a good idea to boost your mic volume so that people can hear you and that when you slip up, don't try to correct yourself, just roll with it
What I did was listen to trap music while recording and having basic ideas on screen. Makes a very fast paced, well spoken commentary. May need some editing/redoing though. Try it out ;)
My voice is the worst for me and from recent feedback my enthusiasm when commenting need some work. So I know now what to start working on.