Other Come ChitChat with us :D

Ambry Zealot

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

We've recently started a segment called Chit Chat, where we basically sit down with fellow youtubers and talk about how sweet their channel is. Our channel talks mostly about gaming, but we're trying to break out into everything for ChitChat.

Its a lot of fun and so far we have really seen the benefits as far as networking and views go. If your interested you can respond to this thread or send me an email at theaztv@live.ca

My name is Chris by the way!

I know it may be a little tough to visualize from text, so check out the first one we did

Its alright. We'll do the show with anyone! Youtube is a team game and we want to spread the word for whoever wants in!
I sent in my request via e-mail! Keep up the good work, I'm already a subscriber -- although my YT boxes keep suppressing thy folks' content (I hate that.)