Vlog Collab Channel!

Hi Guys,

I've had this idea in my head for sometime, I posted about it on FullScreen and no one cared, I posted to a couple of YouTubers with similar sub rates as me and no one replied... So...

I would like to do a Collab Channel which runs for, I don't know, 3/4 months? where 7 YouTubers upload 1 video a week running to a theme, such as Challenges, 'tags', tours and Thoughts on issues, in aid to grow our audience, find new ideas/paths and meet some great YouTubers on the way!

What do you think? is there a reason no one is replying, or is anyone up for it?!

Tom (notttom)
I'm in yo! My skype is TechTac77 my channel is TechnoTacoStudios :D
i would be totally be up for this i think it would be alot of fun:) just let me know more information about it if your interested:)