CLOSED - Not possible to join MCN without Adsense?

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New Member
Hi so as quite a few people, I had my adsense account disabled for invalid click activity a while back. It was through no fault of my own and appealing did not help since I could not provide any useful information as what had happened. This made me quit Youtube for a while.
Recently I started a new channel and only just reached the partner threshold of 10k views. I applied to the MCN Curse but they told me, they were unable to invite since I had to activate monitization first. However if you go to the account monetization page, it seems I need to connect an adsense account to activate monetization. This is clearly a problem since my account was banned and it's near impossible to create a new one.
Does anyone know a work around to this? Maybe it's only Curse where you need to activate moetization before joining? Or is it simply impossible?
Any light on the matter is appreaciated! Thank you in advance!
Unfortunately, you must already be directly partnered with YouTube in order to join a network. The only exception I've personally seen is a creator who lived in a country where either Adsense or the Partner Program itself was unavailable.

I wish I had better news...
Actually you have to make an adsense account AFTER enabling monetisation, you can just enable it and then partner with curse
Thank you for your replies!
When I go to the activation link, it states that there are four steps to activate monetization. Step 2 is connecting an adsense account. I can't see a way to get around this but maybe I'm missing something :)
@Cruxgp - Threads asking how to get around YouTube's rules and guidelines get locked. - I suggest you contact Curse and/or YouTube directly to explain your case.
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