Claims against a carnival video.


I regularly film a famous carnival in the UK at Glastonbury. Every video I publish attracts multiple claims due to the music that is used by the individual carnival floats. Is there no way to avoid this? To be fair, I have not used the music. The carnival creators used it and I assume they have a public performance licence of some type.
I'm sure this must happen in many scenarios where music is playing at the location such as a funfair, wedding or party.
Here in the Philippines karaoke is king. And it is just a loud country... you cannot go anywhere without loud music in the background (and foreground).
Every video was getting flagged for the music (even a very bad midi, with no one singing). I gave up on recording live sound. I video want I want and turn, music down, and add my own. I used to narrate while filming, now I do voice over later.

On the off chance that the carnival has any usage rights (which I doubt), it does not cover you changing the media type, from performance to video.