Check out my channel design ^^

nono, I understand why it doesn't show up. The main concern is there are a lot of people that still use smaller laptops and smaller reso screens, but your point is also valid.
That's okay by me when designing it I know what people can and can't see at lower resolutions.
I'd rather have something future proofed then need to redesign within a couple years as 1600 times 900 is the norm and a lot of people then start going up to 1920 x 1080.
nice but i like it professional.
Remove the pic. just hasve a banner or so.
Banner no picture isn't great it gives people no reason to scroll down and look through more of your videos.
I've designed the youtube backgrounds for therpgfanatic, jurz08, and phreakindee all bigger youtube partners than me
and they all wanted a background not just a banner.
It's no coincidence.