Oh, but that's just fine and dandy! But phew, your queen sounds evil. She doesn't look like it, that old lady. But then again, I have no clue to what my own old queen is doing behind the scenes. Wouldn't surprise me if those two were playing bridge together while drinking coffee and tea (you can guess who drinks what) and discussing who to throw out over the castle wall.I like you haha I'd love to work with you! And just so you know, I hate tea- don't tell any other Brits though as they'll probably set the cockneys on me and I'll be judged in front of the queen (all the stereotypes are true) haha so maybe we could discuss some ideas?
I'd love to discuss ideas, but I suppose a more closed forum would be more suiting for that. Where would you like that to be? The reason I'm asking is because I'm everywhere. EVERYWHERE!!!! *cough cough*. I mean... I'm cultured. ~or something. But yea, I'm around everywhere. Tons of links on my channel. Hit me up somewhere and I'll talk back to you.
As a last curious question, if you hate tea, do you then love coffee?