Channel Goal: 1K by December 31st!


I've Got It
Hey guys!
What's up? :joyfulphones:

I recently decided that for my channel I would like to reach 1,000 subscribers by the end of the year.
(I do not do Sub4Sub)
Is it ambitious? Yes!
Am I ambitious? Yes!
So let's do this!

My channel is dedicated to playing PC GAMES! Typically i choose Indie & Horror games, but who knows what might be next! I like to joke around while I play and you can expect to see a lot of bad puns, bad jokes, the occasional good joke, lots of screaming, sometimes crying, cats, whining, shrieking, pop culture references, game breaking, getting lost, getting stuck, glitching through time and space, more cats, jump cuts, awkward moments, me getting my mords wixed, strange faces, scared faces, sassiness, general tomfoolery, and... oh yeah, my cat INDIE!


Stop by hellolabgroup today and if you enjoy the content I create give the ol' SUBSCRIBE button a boop. :winkphones: