Channel Feedback to Work on for the New Year

Dice Rollen

Loving YTtalk
Hey, guys!

I've been kicking my channel back into my usual upload schedule & trying new things to improve on my videos within the past few months. I've been able to change a lot of things that go into making my videos this year as well as bringing my let's plays back. A lot of what helps to bring people to my channel & videos is still confusing to me.
I wanted to see what you thought I could improve on so I can try to work on those points for 2018.

I'd definitely appreciate feedback on my channel as a whole & even my videos. Whatever point(s) you want to focus on & help me with would be awesome!
  • Design/look(banner, thumbnails, etc)
  • Video length
  • SEO
  • Branding
  • My video "presence"(am I able to be entertaining/interesting through my videos?)
Like I said I'm getting back on track with my upload frequency so some of the upload dates on a few of my recent videos won't be on a Wednesday or Saturday like they should.

Any constructive advice would be appreciated, thanks!
sorry i dont have much to say. your bannerl/pic are fine and so are your thumbnails. i only even watched 2 minutes of your dice review because i could already tell your video would be solid. dont really feel like trying to nitpick stuff. i think your problem is you dont have any focus.

horror isnt really a genre or style. its more of an overarching theme. its not that centralized. you could do horror styled games(and im sure you do alot/all of this but i havent gone through your videos), the creepypastas, stories, "real life" events, scary facts etc. all of that brings in different audiences. someone who comes in to watch a creepy pasta might not want to watch a doki doki video the same a person who watches your doki doki video might not want to watch a video on ghost sightings. i think its fine to focus on one aspect and do another on the side but your trying to pull in to many different audiences that might not like everything. so because your channel is small your just getting small views

atleast thats my take on it.

are you also doing skits? like these arent problems for langer channels with a well established fan base. even the channels with just a few thousand subs. but i think you might be trying to do to much lol
Thanks for taking the time to do this! I genuinely appreciate it :)
It means a lot to hear that the graphic design stuff I come up with comes across well to you. That's a great compliment for my reviews as well, so thank you.

You have a good point as far as focus goes. My channel had been an absolute mess before, I could see if not doing as many different kinds of videos would help narrow what I do. I do horror let's plays, yes. It does make a lot of sense that these different videos bring different audiences so I'll need to look into that more. It seems that my reviews & narrations are the most enjoyed.
Something else that I could do that maybe will help is put a more specific schedule in my about section of my channel letting people know when to expect a specific kind of video.

Yes, I do the occasional skit or short. I'll cut back on some things & then maybe down the road when my channel's bigger I'll bring something back if I think people will like it.

Thank you for the feedback, I'll work on these points!