Changing the title on older videos


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any good experiences with this? I mean changing the title of older videos in an attempt to reboot them. I'm considering changing the titles of some of the videos on a couple of my channels, but I'd like to hear others' experiences if you have any.

Yes this has worked for some videos of mine but I did a whole SEO including tags and description. Modifying these things on videos that already go pretty well can have a negative impact as YouTube seems to remove them from suggested videos in such cases.
Changing the title on older videos is actually one of the good way to increase the chance to get more views. I remember when one of my video only get 13 views. But when I changed the title, tags, description, and did little bit research my video significantly got lot of views (now it has 230 views). So if you want to try my method, maybe there is a chance to get a lot of views for your video