Changed my mind on intros


Well-Known Member
So I've been very against the idea of an intro to my YouTube videos. I think most people do it wrong, with ridiculously long and loud trance/house music with some generic blender/after effects created templates with their name replacing whatever was there before.

My main concern recently however is branding. If you stumble across my video once, and maybe again in a few months time how are you to know this is the second time you've seen my content?

I've tried to do this with thumbnail, I have a specific bordered style that all my videos use but I don't think that's enough. So after some much self reflection on the matter I decided to add an intro to my video, which is in my most recent upload. I created it myself using only Adobe premiere so it's a bit basic but I think it adds a lot of character and (in my opinion) I do it in the least intrusive manner possible, within 5 seconds you know what the video is about ( I hope) and try to up retention.

What is the point in this thread, I guess what I'm saying it's always worth revisiting an idea that you may have been against previously.


I think that an intro is good, but only if it is a good one. For me 5 seconds should be the max time and it should have a nice design and music. Ecxept of that a nice miniture picture also helps!