Commentary Car Channel open to Other areas- Looking for Collab


New Member

I have a channel where I mostly talk about cars and do top 10 lists on cars. Although I do only have 3k subscribers, I am getting a lot of visits each day and my videos tend to be taken on the fast lane of the system very fast. (just uploaded a video Thursday at 2pm and this Sunday reached over 4k views and is keeping with a constant 50 to 80 views per hour) I also have 1 video over 100k, 1 over 500k and 1 that is almost 2m, out of 8 videos I have up.

My viewers are 96% males (yes, my channel is a sausage fest) and 67% are between 18 and 34 years old.

What am I looking?
Well, I would like to have someone with who make a collaborations that is not necessarily in the car world. For example, let's say that you do movies. Well, probably we can do a video about cars and movies together, and upload it in both channels.

I only have 3 rules for collabs:
1- The channel has to have similar number of subscribers as I do (or more, which would be awesome )
2- Almost any kind of channel is welcome but I will Not do collabs gaming channels, unless it has have A BUNCH of subs and views.
3- I can't use my voice in any of the videos.