Can't break 73 subs a day. Why?

Curious World

I've Got It
I know there is a maximum amount of channels you can subscribe to (depending on the size of your channel), but is there a limit to how many can subscribe to you in one day?

According to Analytics, I've had exactly 73 subs to my channel on three consecutive days.

Don't get me wrong here - I'm so happy, it's great that my channel is growing so fast, but it's odd that it won't go beyond that number in a 24 hour period. I know it could just be coincidence that my subs landed on that exact same number three times, but it just seems unlikely to me.
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There’s no limit on who can subscribe to you. So I’m guessing it’s coincidence haha
I know there is a maximum amount of channels you can subscribe to (depending on the size of your channel), but is there a limit to how many can subscribe to you in one day?

According to Analytics, I've had exactly 73 subs to my channel on three consecutive days.

Don't get me wrong here - I'm so happy, it's great that my channel is growing so fast, but it's odd that it won't go beyond that number in a 24 hour period. I know it could just be coincidence that my subs landed on that exact same number three times, but it just seems unlikely to me.

Are you talking about your Curious World channel? Because if so, I don't see 73 subs at all on your social blade for the past 2 weeks. Lots of fluctuation including subs over 100 in a day, so..... Maybe you are asking about a different channel?
I also get the feeling that YouTube limits me to the amount of views/subs/ads per day and when I hit those regular numbers the algo stops recommending me for the day..
As you grow so will the number of subs. Just keep at it and you will get where you want to be.
It's just a concidence that the number of subs was exactly 73. But obviously there's a correlation between daily views and subs. As views increase, so will your daily subs and vice versa.