Can you remember your very first upload?


Active Member
I can.. It was of me telling a story about one of my paranormal experiences including my great-grandmother, unfortunately I deleted it due to personal issues but I always love telling stories about my experiences in this house and outside.

So what about you? Can you remember your very first upload? If so what was it about and can you look back now and laugh or are you proud of it? x
yep. I deleted mine. lol Cheesy intro.. poor lighting. Bad everything. At the time thought it was brill/ I guess because when we make something ourselves it's difficult to see what the bad. I try and judge my new stuff more critically now.
2013. A prewedding home-made clip. Emailed it to the next-day-to-be (my) wife. After a week or so of our marriage, she called to tell how she liked it. I was confused if I got to be angry that she saw it so late or happy that she liked it!!! hahaha! :D
I... I vaguely recall a low-resolution upload of Kirby's dreamland with cringe-worthy subtitles.

I think that was over 10 years ago, on a Youtube channel that I don't even recall the name of.
Depends. My first upload on youtube ever EVER was on a different channel about 11-12 years ago and it was was of the top half of my head (With the bottom half cut off purposfully) just talking totally random nonsense ("I dunno cheese 'n' weasles!") it was such a revolutionary idea that someone could just upload anything (Within the rules) of youtube that I did about 30 videos where all I did was talk absolute crap in them (I got in a lot of trouble for it at one point because I did a collab with a guy who once I'd finished all the editing and a fortnight after it went up on youtube told me he was going to sue me for using footage without his permission...footage he shot especially for my video in which he says he's shooting the footage explicitly to be in my video) xD

First video I uploaded on this channel though was my review of "The Dragon Lives again" one of my favourite worst movies ever made xD the reviews crap in all honesty I talk way too fast and miss tons of details and important elements out of it...I fully intend to redo it at some point in future...but hey! y'all gotta start somewhere! xD
Yes, sadly it is extremely embarrassing (at least in comparison to my newer videos!) However it is un-demoralizing when I realize the improvements that I've made so far. My first video was nothing more than an experimental video, I was really happy with it and thought it was amazing. But looking back... lol.
Yes I can, three years ago I uploaded a skit about stereotypes and one really big YouTuber commented on it and shared with his followers on YouTube!
I can definitely remember it. I also very clearly remember how long it took to make haha. It still stands as my longest video on my channel and it probably will stay that way for a good time. It makes me cringe and as badly as I want to take it down, I don’t.

I can tell I’ve grown from my first video though. I’m able to record and edit significantly faster than when I was making it last year. I’ve also learned a lot in different softwares that have helped along the way.

Got to start somewhere! The first video may be hard, but it is one of the biggest and most important steps in having a YouTube channel.