can my chanel get partnership??

Holy crap! you are more than qualified to be a partner. I have 4k views and got accepted how much with 3mil.
thanks iCiazer, but can you tell me wich network can i ask for partner? mean the best !!?
It really depends what your category is.

The general best one is Fullscreen for probably vlogs and all the general stuff but if you can tell me what you do I can tell you what network will most suit you
You can try applying for a bunch of networks and read their contracts and sign what suites your channels needs.
my channel is about music, orchestre of popular morocan music, i have the big librery of theyr songs in internet, and i have permission from the singer of this orchestre,[DOUBLEPOST=1350835057,1350835013][/DOUBLEPOST]aha, i can apply for many network and choice the best for me?? that's good