Can I get in trouble with this?



I've rendered out my next video and I mentioned something about me doing something illegal in RL, I know it sounds stupid but can I get in trouble for admitting this in a YouTube video?

Sounds pretty stupid but I could imagine YouTube taking some kind of action. What do you think?
I'd prefer it if you were honest, my last account got banned for a stupid reason so was just checking & I know :L

fix it now so it doesn't get you done in the future. Also its going to nag at you so do it for piece of mind.
If people have a vendetta against you, and you give them leverage, then that likely won't turn out well, just as a word to the wise. Sorry.
Definitely don't leave stuff like that in your videos, these videos are essentially there for everyone to get hold of, and you never know when your content is going to fall into the "wrong" hands.

Protect your back and don't ever put anything in that you think is risky :)
I think yeah, admitting to something illegal is likely to backfire and bite you in the bum one day...
Sometimes things can just blow up, so not worth the risk