Can I create playlist and make sure it stops after every vid regardless of user settings?


New Member
Very particular purpose. It's not intended to be played in sequence. Autoplaying the next vid would be counterproductive in this case, but too much instruction to teach every user to disable on their end. Want to group into playlist, though to keep this group of vids together and easily indexed vs others on channel.

Is autoplay of next video when one is done in playlist automatic or solely at discretion of users and their settings, or is there something I can do that makes sure every player stops after each video and waits for user input?
I don't think you can. I think it just auto plays. I can't check as I don't have a computer right now but if there is an option to disable it, you would have to go to that specific playlist and check out the playlist settings.
The decision lies in the hands of the user.

If he or she scrolls down to the comments, the function pauses. Else, wait for the next video to play or disable the autoplay.

That's the function of the playlist.