Brainstorming video style types


Well-Known Member
So I've just decided to get into YouTube again after a couple of years, and my main concern is being unique. I've got the interest in doing a car vlog, though that's already being done by people on the daily. Then there's the typical vlog with a makeshift home studio. Or, I could just wing it every time I make a new vlog and make it in a different location, or different activity each time.

Some YouTubers make their uniqueness known by their environment or home studio, others have their cars that make it their unique show. Though don't you think it would be a little bland sitting in the same area each time you make a video?

Some friends of mine wish to do a couple short films, that of course is definitely it's own style. Though for general daily videos, what do you think would be more appropriate? Mix it up, go elsewhere, vlog in different locations. Or make myself at home in one location?

I'm just thinking. Would love to hear from others that have gone through the same thoughts as I have.