Other Box4Box

If you didn't already know, box4boxing is when one channel puts another channel in their favorites box and visa versa. It helps both parties grow their channel. What I'm getting at is that if you wish to take part in this post your channel in the comments below. Everyone else that comments will box each other and sub to each other and we will all grow. If you really like another person's channel you could always do a shoutout in a video or something
I like the box4box idea, but not that we all subscribe to eachother. I'd rather have active subscribers who enjoy my stuff. Also, if this is implying sub4sub, which is what it sounds like.. it is against the rules. (Sub4Sub is, not Box4Box)

Also you shouldn't rely on another person to grow your channel.
If you didn't already know, box4boxing is when one channel puts another channel in their favorites box and visa versa. It helps both parties grow their channel. What I'm getting at is that if you wish to take part in this post your channel in the comments below. Everyone else that comments will box each other and sub to each other and we will all grow. If you really like another person's channel you could always do a shoutout in a video or something

I tbh think you should grow a bit before asking anyone.
You dont have many subs, so thats why im saying that.
But this is just my opinion.
Sorry, I should have made this clear. On the sub bit I was intending to state you can subscribe if by looking at the other person's channel you actually like their videos you should sub