Bing & Yahoo video search result play preview for some vids but not mine. how come?


I Love YTtalk
I notice when you hover mouse over the video search results in either bing or yahoo (if anyone still remembers those search engines) that the thumbnail plays a short video preview, but not on mine vids!? I have allow embedding checked. Can't think what else it might be. Seems a bit random. Anybody know whats going on?
I notice when you hover mouse over the video search results in either bing or yahoo (if anyone still remembers those search engines) that the thumbnail plays a short video preview, but not on mine vids!? I have allow embedding checked. Can't think what else it might be. Seems a bit random. Anybody know whats going on?

I forgot that they even do video, there probably isn't anything that you can do about that, maybe check back at another time and see if they have a preview then.
Hi Stike.. Howd you get your Newest video in your signature? I tried but it just appears as the link seen below.
Hi Stike.. Howd you get your Newest video in your signature? I tried but it just appears as the link seen below.

You have to have VIP membership, you can get it from the shop either when you get 100 cash on here or with real money ($4 per month).

Once you have that you can go to signature and there should be a video icon that you click, you then just paste the video url into the box that shows up.

P.S. That's not actually my newest video, haven't been able to update it because my membership ran out XD. Almost at 100 cash now though! Might just buy it in the future tbh, it's quite hard getting to 100 cash.

Update: reached 100 now, updated the signature .
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