YTTalk Shape Shifter
Hi there, so I see that there a lot of amazing channels who have a high chance of getting partnership and some aren't sure how it benefits them and their channel, so in this thread i'm going to go over the benefits of having a youtube partnership.
Special Features
When you have a youtube partnership you can get access to many partner-only features.
Banner- An option to have a channel banner will be available with partnership an
option you are able to add clickable links to it.
Shows- You can create shows, these are a little bit like playlists but more advanced. You can create seasons and episodes and add additional information like directors and actors etc. This also allows you to age rate your videos.
Claiming Videos- A good feature with partnership is that you can claim your videos, this means that of someone steals your video and then uploads it you can have the choice to either put advertisements on it and you'll get money for the clicks on them or you can simply get it removed.
Custom Thumbnails- An option for custom thumbnails is enabled, this feature is also available to standard partners but I thought just to add this...
Live Broadcasting- A cool feature you get is live broadcasting, but with a special software available for youtube partners only, it is called wirecast. It as a software that you can add multiple cameras and switch between them, put overlays on the broadcast with files from your computer and stuff, it has no watermark of any sort on it which is a bonus. If you want to learn more about this software you can search it up.
Promotion (Ad Words)- With ad words you are able to put a certain amount of money towards ads and then they advertise your channel on adverts, I don't know too much about this so if you want to learn more once again, search it up.
So now I am going to tell you about the money you earn and stuff like that when you get partnered.
Earning Money- So when you are partnered with a network you earn money through advertisement clicks on your videos. There is no exact amount I can say you can get paid as all networks are different, but the ones you want to go for is the networks that do not put a cap on your CPM, which basically means there is no set limit to how much you can make. Usually how the system goes is that a click on an advertisement is worth a certain amount depending on how many views the video has. For example, a click on an ad on a video with 10,000 views will be worth more than a click on an ad on a video with 1,000 views. Out of my research I find most of the networks work this way but there are some that do it differently.
Ad Sense Protection- Having protection from ad sense is a very good thing that the networks offer, now you are probably thinking, protection?! Well, it is classed as protection, because with ad sense you only get paid every 50 of whatever currency you use. But I hear that many people have been put into this 'scam' that google will say you have been 'click bombed' as in they are implying that the clicks on your ads are fake, and then they disable your ad sense! And in result of this you can't get partnered as you need ad sense in order to be partnered, so I suggest only activating your as sense when you know you meet the criteria of a partnership.
So that basically wraps it up, I hope this has covered what you were wondering about, I certainly hope this helped you, and thanks for reading!
Hi there, so I see that there a lot of amazing channels who have a high chance of getting partnership and some aren't sure how it benefits them and their channel, so in this thread i'm going to go over the benefits of having a youtube partnership.
Special Features
When you have a youtube partnership you can get access to many partner-only features.
Banner- An option to have a channel banner will be available with partnership an
option you are able to add clickable links to it.
Shows- You can create shows, these are a little bit like playlists but more advanced. You can create seasons and episodes and add additional information like directors and actors etc. This also allows you to age rate your videos.
Claiming Videos- A good feature with partnership is that you can claim your videos, this means that of someone steals your video and then uploads it you can have the choice to either put advertisements on it and you'll get money for the clicks on them or you can simply get it removed.
Custom Thumbnails- An option for custom thumbnails is enabled, this feature is also available to standard partners but I thought just to add this...
Live Broadcasting- A cool feature you get is live broadcasting, but with a special software available for youtube partners only, it is called wirecast. It as a software that you can add multiple cameras and switch between them, put overlays on the broadcast with files from your computer and stuff, it has no watermark of any sort on it which is a bonus. If you want to learn more about this software you can search it up.
Promotion (Ad Words)- With ad words you are able to put a certain amount of money towards ads and then they advertise your channel on adverts, I don't know too much about this so if you want to learn more once again, search it up.
So now I am going to tell you about the money you earn and stuff like that when you get partnered.
Earning Money- So when you are partnered with a network you earn money through advertisement clicks on your videos. There is no exact amount I can say you can get paid as all networks are different, but the ones you want to go for is the networks that do not put a cap on your CPM, which basically means there is no set limit to how much you can make. Usually how the system goes is that a click on an advertisement is worth a certain amount depending on how many views the video has. For example, a click on an ad on a video with 10,000 views will be worth more than a click on an ad on a video with 1,000 views. Out of my research I find most of the networks work this way but there are some that do it differently.
Ad Sense Protection- Having protection from ad sense is a very good thing that the networks offer, now you are probably thinking, protection?! Well, it is classed as protection, because with ad sense you only get paid every 50 of whatever currency you use. But I hear that many people have been put into this 'scam' that google will say you have been 'click bombed' as in they are implying that the clicks on your ads are fake, and then they disable your ad sense! And in result of this you can't get partnered as you need ad sense in order to be partnered, so I suggest only activating your as sense when you know you meet the criteria of a partnership.
So that basically wraps it up, I hope this has covered what you were wondering about, I certainly hope this helped you, and thanks for reading!