Balancing YouTube with life

I work a full-time job and manage a youtube channel at the same time. Usually I would have "video creation days" on the weekend and "editing days" on the weekdays. Working five days a week and making vids can be tough. I would create all my vids on the weekend. Then when it comes to editing, I would do that after work through out the weekdays. Staying ahead of the schedule is important for this to happen, especially when I do 2 vids a week to post on Tueday & Friday. I've gotten to use to it, that it became a normal thing now. Without a doubt there is stress, but its okay, hard work pays off.
For me, I have a wife with a kid on the way, I work full time and I have my channel I upload once a week to. I try to do all video stuff in the morning before I go to work, then I work and when I get home I spend time with the family.

I normally work from around 12pm to 9pm so I get up around 6 or 7 am and work on video for around 2 or 3 hours. It might be recording or editing for my channel or editing clients videos... or browsing this forum lol. I only upload once a week but I think it really help that my niche is film so once a week works really well for us.

My biggest piece of advice is to treat youtube like a small business, set time aside daily or as close to daily as possible and do it. Wether that be an 30 minute or an hour at midnight, you still work on it on a schedule. That has helped me a TON!
You need to prioritize and decide what you want in life. I also have a full time job, and a family, but youtube and cars is what takes up the rest of my time. All my free time is spent working on youtube or the car, wake up earlier, spend less time on your phone, do things on all your lunch breaks.., it all adds up
Starting youtube while you are a student is probably one of the best time to do so. I wasted so much time when I was in university, and I regret it. Now I've quit my job in order to do youtube, but I can only do that for a couple months before I have to either have to get a job or make my own business successful.
This is very helpful to me, i better not waste the only time i have now, and start this when i still have this little stability; Thanks dude.
I work a full time job and typically six days a week for about 7 hours a day. I made an upload schedule for myself. My plan is to post videos on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I also have a plan to get a planner and write down videos planned to post for those days and also pre-film some videos on days I have more time. So far, I've been waking up earlier in the morning so I have time to film what I need to.