"Baiting out" - Latest trend..........


YouTube stars are trading in children's sexual misery by goading teens into shaming schoolmates and then putting videos online - to boost their own fame


If you saw these young men wandering around a shopping centre with a microphone talking to teenagers, you might think it’s just a bit of harmless fun.

But what they are doing is not an innocent prank. They are preying on children as part of a disturbing online trend known as ‘baiting out’.

The cult YouTube ‘stars’ encourage youngsters to talk about those they claim to have had sexual encounters with and make derogatory and crude comments about them. They then post videos of these ‘interviews’ online where they are viewed thousands of times.

In often excruciating footage, children who look as young as 12 make candid admissions on camera to the men when they approach them at random with a microphone in hand. Those quizzed give graphic descriptions ranging from the breasts of a girl in their class to sexual favours classmates have carried out.

In some cases, the young people the teenagers are ‘shaming’ are named in full, along with the school they attend.

Once online, the clips garner thousands of ‘likes’ and views within days.

Those leading the trend, under names such as ‘Baithead’ and ‘Van Banter’, have become internet celebrities. They even boast of having agents and managers to boost their profiles.

Victims of the bait out trend have told of their humilation after sexual slurs about them were broadcast on the web.

Cassidy Valentine, a model and YouTube video blogger, was named in a bait out clip and accused of being sexually promiscuous.

Miss Valentine, who was in her teens at the time, told the BBC: ‘I just felt so victimised by it and it was really embarrassing and humiliating to go through. No-one should have to feel like that, really.’

Full article and source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ng-goading-teens-sex-shaming-schoolmates.html


Sounds like more negative publicity for YouTube. The so-called "YouTube stars" making the videos should know better but I can't believe that the kids interviewed would even answer those questions. I mean they can see the microphone and camera so they know they're being filmed. I just don't get it. :unsure: Thoughts?
It's just wrong, shaming someone with their full name and address is just asking for someone to get hurt.

and then when someone is then everyone will be talking about it, and then they will do it more.

YOU DO NOT give away someone's address, or full name. These people are complete wastes of space to be doing this. It victimizes innocent people.
That photo of "Baithead" looks so perfect. With that gaze, he looks as if he knows exactly what he's about to do. In another era, you could totally see him twirling his villain moustache.

Sigh, and just when there was hope of advertiser return...
That's just weird, atrocious stuff. I think we shouldn't honour it by giving even the least bit of attention to those <insert random expletive>.
Even if they have thousands of views and likes... not a single one from me.
What the heck!? D: Okay... us folks at YTtalk need to put our thinking caps on and come up with an AWESOME trend, because these last few have been super lame and damaging. :/

That kind of stuff should be kept private. Plus, who knows - kids sometimes make stuff up just for kicks and giggles. It's not a cool topic to broadcast. In the future, they're probably going to regret what they said on camera... :S
The more damaged YouTube becomes because of this the better, they might only then take proactive measures banning these trending subjects/channels rather than punishing the entire community for these channels actions. It is only fair.
New trend: Go outside to a park and see how many dogs you can pet where the owners are okay with it.

1.) Owner must allow
2.) Must pet dog for 3 seconds or more.

If you are allergic to one or more pets you must pet another pet type.

For every doggo you pet, you have to donate to charity (amount varies depending on what you’re comfortable with)
