At What point do the subscribers "start rolling in"?


YTtalk Mad
Hey everyone,

So I was just wanting to hear from your experience, is there a certain subscriber milestone where subscribers just seem to take off? After passing 500 subs I have been noticing I get about 3 a day, which compared to what I used to get is great, but Im still not satisfied (not greedy, just have high goals and expectations).

At what point did you find that your subscribers just started piling up? When did you really feel proud of this?
Wow 3 a day is awesome I am only getting like 1 a week maybe 2 if I am lucky
But I guess when you get over 10000 it will start piling in
I don't know for sure since I'm not big in anyway but I think its when you make a decent video that everyone will see and when they see your other videos that are also decently good then they will probably start rolling in.
I'd have to go with @Norfe I personally get 2 per week and lose 1 of them so that's what I'm working with.
If you're getting 3 per day than that's some sort of impressive.
I think maybe they are too busy or maybe you've lost in touch with them :D
Don't worry about that keep making vidz, they'll interact with you v soon :D
Sometimes i get 2 a day, or usually 3 a week, I really havn't been counting but i do get excited when i do get a subscriber and do a little dance...
