Ask me things!


Super Poster
Hey everyone :)

So I'm wanting to do a Q&A where anything goes! It can be as normal, funny, serious or as random as you like!
Your channel will get a shout-out as well as I read your question!

So go ahead! Ask Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! :help:
Monkeys or kangaroos?

Pepsi or Coke?

Are you a fan of 5sos or 1D?

Would you every die your hair rainbow?
Feel free to just pick the best questions out of these, unless you are doing a two-part video series haha...

Where in the world would you like to travel the most?

Which YouTuber would you like to collab with the most?

What animal would you be and why?

What is the best dish you can cook?

Can you fake any accents?

What superpower would you choose and why?

Is there anything (legal) you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances?

If you could wake up in someone else's body for a day, who would it be and what would you do?

If you had to live under the sea what kind of an animal would you be?

What was least favorite job that you had?

What do you spend too much money on?

Do you sing in the shower; if so, what song?

When was your first kiss?

Any tattoos or pierced body parts?

What do you notice first in the opposite sex?

What's your favorite color?

What is your favorite flower?

What excuses/lies have you made up to get out of work or another commitment?

What is on your bedside table?

If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be; and please make the sound of that appliance?

Your favourite:
Item of clothing?

In a partner would you prefer:
Blonde or brown hair?
Rich or hot body?
Facial hair or clean shaven?
Nerdy or sporty?
Funny or charming?
Adventurous or settled?

Do you prefer...
Apple juice or orange juice?
Tea or coffee?
Sweet or savoury?
PC or console?
Kissing or hugging?
Back scratches or back massages?
Baths or showers?
Winter or summer?
Shorts or skirt?

Who is someone you...
Can't do without?

Finally! Tell us something you have never told anyone else :)