Ask me some stuff!

How many lemons does it take to make a lemon that makes lemons?
How hard would you have to punch a crow to kill it?
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Who is your favourite actor?
What's your favourite film?
What are some things on your bucket list?
Can you play any instruments?
What sort of music do you like?
What career do you want to go into?
Who inspires you?

Hopefully that'll give you a few! :)

This is all fantastic guys!! Can't wait to film it!!!
There are three mysterious noises in your apartment; each coming from different directions.
A Squeaky noise coming from the hallway, a soft thump coming from inside your wall and a sudden highpitched metal like noise coming from outside.
What do you immediately think might be happening?

Love Roux
Channel Roux Harbour